EVERYBODY wants better health. If anyone says “no, it’s not important,” they are lying! Even if the doctor tells them that they are “healthy” there is still something they wish they could change or get rid of. Like success in anything you do in life, it’s not going to be effortless and it won’t be instantaneous. But I have 5 baby steps you can take to make the transition a little more manageable!
Research…and Research Some More
This may not be the smallest baby step because you will never stop researching. The only way you can change your health is by completing your own research. I’m here to help you along the way because I luv ya and want everyone to be healthier, but it would be nonsensical of me to not tell you to do your own due diligence. I understand not everyone wants to do the research so I will share as much knowledge as I can with you. A good place to start your research would be to familiarize yourself with what organic means, commercial/conventional growing practices, Monsanto, Roundup, glyphosate, holistic healing approach, pharmaceutical companies (Big Pharma), essential oils, preservatives, vitamins, minerals, supplements, etc. Yep, it’s a lot and I’m sorry, but the world doesn’t want you to be an educated consumer so that’s what you must become!
Follow the Right People (Major Baby Step)
After you have begun to do your research you will need to keep yourself up to date with the latest advances and conversations concerning health and wellness. You need to follow the right people on social media who are authorities on these subjects. I have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, but I generally follow more story lines on Facebook. Here’s a small list of the pages and people I follow on Facebook: Confessions of an Organic Mama, Living Traditionally, March Against Monsanto, The Farmacy, Wellness Mama. Also, make sure you register for email lists on websites that you like. (I haven’t set mine up yet, but when it’s set up help a sista out! LOL)
Be Your Own Doctor
Okay, so please don’t fight me for saying this, but you need to learn how to be your own doctor. This means that the best way to ensure that you do not develop cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc. is by preventing them. *gasps* Yes, you can stop these diseases from setting up shop in your body, contrary to what doctors may tell you. [bctt tweet=”Hate to say it but a lot of doctors are in the sales business and not the healing business.” via=”no”] Once you research pharmaceutical companies you will understand why you don’t want to be on a lot of prescription medications. You want to find the natural, holistic solutions to your health problems. Use Google, buy books, visit the library and do whatever you need to do to find out how to heal yourself naturally. To me, wanting to use natural remedies for my health does not mean that I would deny pharmaceutical drugs in emergency/hospital situations. I just want people to limit their visits to doctors by feeding their body right.
Go Through Kitchen With a Trash Bag
Just forewarning you that you may cry as you complete this task but you will feel renewed. Remember I said these are baby steps! Now I don’t want you to throw out food items based on what the latest fad diets say, like if it’s high in calories it must go. (Not all calories are empty calories so I don’t freak out about certain foods). I want you to throw out food based on reading that ingredient label! Is high fructose corn syrup the second ingredient? Throw it out! Aspartame, sucralose or any close kin cousin on the ingredient list? Throw it out! This is where the research from step one comes in handy! If there are ingredients that you can’t pronounce, that is a good candidate food item to be thrown out! In short, processed foods, foods with a lot of preservatives, foods with MSG (monosodium glutamate, a.k.a. Accent) should be thrown out. This will be a good start for you.
Visit Organic Aisles in Grocery Store/Visit Natural & Organic Grocery Stores
You need to slowly start adding natural and organic foods into your diet. I’ll be the first person to admit that I gripe about the prices of organic foods, but I’ve learned that you will save money in the long run in medical bills and overall well-being. That’s why I want you to start slowly because slow and steady wins the race! Start changing your snack foods to organic first. Then incorporate eggs, milk, vegetables and fruit. You don’t have to buy all organic fruits and vegetables, later on, I will tell you the most important fruits and vegetables to purchase organic. Start checking the weekly mailers to see what’s on sale and stock up during those sales.
I hope this puts you on the right track to leading a natural lifestyle! Do you have any tips to add that I may not have mentioned? Comment down below so we can share the wealth of knowledge with everyone!

Hi Brit I justvwant to commend you for what you are doing. I am one of those people that hunger for education and this lesson regarding better health us going to get me moving. I have been researching organic foods since 2013 when i was diagnosed with diabetes. Now that i found someone that can help me I am going to be your number 1 fan.
Keep up the good work
Thanks for your openness to dialog! [seyam]Clliton Curtis MD PhDVHA-IHS Interagency Liaison for Health IT(recently Director, Clinical Informatics, VA New England Healthcare System)
Hi Demetra,
I hate to hear that you have been diagnosed with diabetes. I know it’s tough but I am glad that you have a diagnosis and are fighting to not let it define your life! I am so glad that I can be here to help! Stay strong and keep on fighting! And thank you for wanting to be my number 1 fan. I truly appreciate it!
Have a blessed evening,