Today I am bringing you all a post from my friend, Ashley Lipman, over at MadeWithOils about 5 easy ways to improve your health starting right now! Everyone is always looking for the next greatest thing that will improve their health and might just be overlooking some simple tips that can make a noticeably large impact on their health. So check these tips out, implement them, and come back and let us know what these tips have done for your life!
Photo credit: Bruce Mars
When it comes to health, looks can be deceiving. You are going to work every day, taking care of your family, and smiling. But, at the same time, you may have high blood pressure, lack of motivation, hormonal issues and a host of other problems. It is important to understand that being healthy is not the same thing as not being sick.
SIlent killers
- Stress, Anxiety, Depression
Stress comes in many forms. Studies have shown that stress is a direct contributing factor in the top 6 illnesses that take human life. Stress affects every part of your life. Stress causes or worsens, high blood pressure, headaches, depression, motivation, and more. Stress can trigger smoking, overeating, and sleeping too much or not enough. Stress can become so much a part of our lives that it alters people’s perceptions of who we really are.
- Obesity
Obesity is a national epidemic. It is in every age group and it has no social boundaries. Obesity leads to heart attack, stroke, arthritis, back pain. Wear on the knees and feet, and depression.
- Immune deficiencies
Simply put, this is how strong your body is to fight off sickness. A weak immune system is like a welcome mat to every sickness in the area.
Of course, these fields are just a fraction of what we must address. Still, these issues affect almost everyone. So, if we can address these issues, you are well on your way to reclaiming your health.
Photo credit: Lazare
Recovering your health
The first thing you must address is what type of fuel you are putting into your body. Your body has been abused with poor lifestyle choices and you have to restore it to a functioning place.
- Flush out your system. Immediately eliminate caffeine, sugar, and excessive fats from your body. These choices make you sluggish, and tired. You have no long-term fuel to keep you going.
- Drink distilled water. You need to flush your system. That means moving the toxins that you have consumed, through your organs and out the door. But, water is more than a flush. 75% of Americans suffer from dehydration. This causes headaches, nausea, and hair and skin issues. Also, our organs are working twice. Drink 10 cups of distilled or spring water every day.
- Use natural essential oils to return your body to normal.
- For stress-related issues use:
- Lavender
- Ylang Ylang
- Clary Sage
- Frankincense
Photo credit: GSquare
- Speed hydration
- To help you hydrate the body and allowing the brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys to function well try these foods:
- Asparagus
- Citrus fruits
- Mellon
- Essential oil:
- Chamomile
- Note: this also aids with sleep and anxiety
- Peppermint
- Peppermint essential oil contains potassium and magnesium which are usually low when a person is dehydrated.
- Willow Bark
- Willow bark helps with the headache that is associated with dehydration.
- Chamomile
- Have some fun
You know you have to get moving if you want to be healthy. But, you do not have to join a gym or ride your bike to work (but these are good ideas.) Find something you like to do and make time to do it. Take a dance class. Play basketball or go for a swim.
Eating well, sleeping well, using all natural remedies and getting active are important. But, they are not important due to hitting some magic number on the scale. Getting healthy means giving your body the tools it needs to do what it does. While weight loss may be part of the progress, it is not the end result or the end goal you are focused on. Get healthy and your body will know what to do to keep you that way.

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